Despite their apparent poverty, the Haitians have little trouble imbibing during the local Valentine’s Day celebration that we have the privilege of attending. A local entrepreneur has turned one half of his house into aContinue reading
Author: Zach
Winning the Lottery
Couples like Clare and I are a rare and fortuitous breed. We are white and from wealthy English-speaking countries. We have no debt, children, or careers. We both come from healthy and supportive families. AndContinue reading
Getting Nowhere Fast
What happens when you haven’t eaten anything but your own canned culinary experiments for a month solid; sand is the firmest ground you’ve touched in the same amount of time and most of it hasContinue reading
aSALTed at Sea
Considering Boot Key Harbor’s “sticky water” reputation, and the fact that we are still chit-chatting with friends well past noon in the City Marina parking lot after returning from our, yes, third trip to the hardware storeContinue reading
The fated moment is finally upon us! It’s time to pull hook and set our sails for foreign waters! It’s been great Uh’merica, and thanks for all the free shipping, but BON VOYAGE! That’s right,Continue reading