What do you do with three weeks to burn on a sailboat in the Spanish Mediterranean?…well go to Ibiza of course. Four shifty and often windless days after casting off from Gibraltar we wiggle ourContinue reading
Gibraltar provides Zach with his first footsteps in Europe, and the Amalfi coast is his introduction to Italy—WOW—the bar is set high! Not only is the coastline is positively stunning, but who gets tired ofContinue reading
Between Continents
Overhead the sky still swirls with torn grey clouds while below a decaying leftover chop laps at the hull as our three-cylinder diesel ticks over another hour on the meter. The wind died with theContinue reading
What happens when the earth begins splitting at it’s seams deep beneath the ocean? Well over the course of millions of years you get a series of islands. The Azores are such an archipelago thatContinue reading
Stuck in the Triangle
After transiting two full sides of the Bermuda Triangle, Clare and I celebrate at the thought of making it through unscathed. We even buy a mug to commemorate the occasion. Then, some days after arrivingContinue reading
Passage Making Baptism
It’s been a long time coming, but we’ve finally put ourselves and our boat to the test of a truly long-distance passage…and we passed! Nine days and 967 miles after our departure from the PuertoContinue reading
Option B
So yes we have ciguatera poisoning, yes we are feeling rather under-par, and yes we have been advised by our doctor NOT to undertake any challenging commitments. But we just can’t help it. A changeContinue reading
Seafood Surprise
After a quick test–fingers crossed–the reinstalled engine roars to life once more and not a day too soon. My sister and her husband are joining us for a ten-day cruise of the so-called Spanish VirginContinue reading
Haulout Hurry
There are no two-ways about it, the boat simply must be hauled-out and the sooner the better. We can retrace our steps and find a boatyard near the capitol of the DR, but our windowContinue reading
A Crack in Paradise
We make good progress throughout the night and by sunrise we are anchoring in the lee of Isla Saona. Apparently this island just off the SE coast of the DR is a nationally protected park,Continue reading